im not biased :(

Apparently i seem to be a little biased towards Shorekipa 😦 so i have been sent a picture from Mr Gutted himself, sailing at Pevensy bay a couple of years ago:

Nice little jump, i thought this would be perfect to look at because he is talking about forwards and this is just about the worst position you could be in for forwards, sorry Guy!

so what i want is someone to comment on why this is not conducive to forward loops??



About bakeracademy

professional windsurf and kitesurfer!
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6 Responses to im not biased :(

  1. Gutted says:’s not conducive to forward loops because the bloke in the driving seat is a chicken.

  2. edd says:

    I am not a pole surfer, but could he have to much weight over the back of the board.
    What do I know/

  3. wind problem says:

    Not pointing downwind enough?

  4. wind problem says:

    Not pointing diwnwind enough?

  5. Ov says:

    Might be a good idea to un hook ..?

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